Advanced Starship Design Bureau

Planetary Vehicles

Shuttles, Various Shuttles, Planetary Vehicles, The Hopper Project

Hermes Class

Design by Chadic Garou

Type: Planetary vehicle, glider
First commissioned: 2397
Length: 8.06m
Width: 5.87m
Height: 2.20m
Decks: 1
Displacement: 7.15t
Complement: 1 officers + 1 crew, evacuation limit: 23
Armament: 2x phaser type V (bow), 1x phaser type V (stern), 2x microtorpedo launchers with 30 microtorpedos each
Defense: ./.
Embarked craft: ./.

The design can be transported in a special module in a Glikar'ma-class runabout or by larger ships, dropping into the atmosphere. Resumption is possible with the help of the tractor beam emitter.

The aerodynamic shape and an anti-gravity cushion ensure buoyancy. Entry and exit are via the stern hatch, which also serves as a ramp. There is an emergency exit in the roof of the cockpit.

The speed that can be achieved depends on the density of the atmosphere; at higher altitudes, almost the speed of sound should be possible. The anti-gravity cushion is used to maneuver in slow flight. The glider can take off and land vertically thanks to its many maneuvering nozzles. The anti-gravity cushion provides better traction when flying at a height of 3-10 m above a planetary surface, which should be the standard height for most missions. On Minshara-class planets, however, the service ceiling can be around 40,000 m. Stubby wings ensure better lift and maneuverability from heights of over 1,000 m.

The drive and the complete energy supply are provided by Sarium Krellid cells. Without a fusion reactor, the energy signature is so minimal that almost an effect similar to that with active camouflage is achieved. In addition, the drive is whisper-quiet and can take it with:

The cabin, consisting of the cockpit and cargo / passenger area, is hermetically sealed. The consoles for the pilots are in the cockpit, two further consoles in the cargo / passenger area can be equipped / programmed. The cargo / passenger compartment can be converted from passenger to cargo transport in a short time - and back. There are also two pallets on the side of the fuselage, which can be quickly exchanged and specific to the mission with appropriate sensors or similar can be equipped. A load hook system on the underside not only enables the gripping of lighter items such as weather balloons - which are difficult to handle with a tractor beam - but also enables cargo to be picked up and transported overboard.

Mission types:

Mission duration: Two to three days without charging the Sarium Krellid cells, which are housed in 13 blocks. Additional energy is generated via a photovoltaic system in the wings.

* Passenger transport usually for 2 + 10 people
** The center aisle must remain free for freight transport, as the stern ramp is the standard exit.


Thanks to Lt.Commander Randy Smith, Commander Iliak J'Nai.

MOBAS Type 21 - Scimitar

Design by Brian Mitchell

Type: Heavy armor attack vehicle
Crew: 2 (tactical commander/gunner and pilot)
Endurance: 8 hrs (combat); 14 hrs (operational)
Combat cruise: 175 km/h, combat maximum: 220 km/h, operational cruise: 250 km/h (defensive mode only), operational maximum: 315 km/h (70 minutes to overheat)
A variant (type 24 MLMS) replaces the standard phaser turret with a long-range missile system capable of global strike and anti-ship operations; basic operational capability equivalent to base model.
Power system:
Gravity-stabilized high-rated fusion unit feeding two anti-gravity-thrust engines
Dual stage krellide power cells for back-up power supply
Additional systems: Multi-wave gravimetric scanner and all-aspect targeting system, Command interlink coordination and information sharing secure communication link, Beta-wave stealth mode diffusion system (camo V-rated protection system)

The type 21 HAAV is the latest development for planetary operation in the UFP. The type 21 combines the latest technologies in weapon and tactical systems with a strong combat structure. The type 21 will be the center of planetary assault operations in the late 24th century.

Planetary Operations Drop Craft & Brigade Planetary Command Post

Design by Brian Mitchell

Type: Planetary vehicle
First commissioned: 2464
Length: 42m
Width: 18m
Height: 11m
Decks: 2
Displacement: 1640t
Complement: 4 officers + 26 crew, evacuation limit: 50
Armament: Phaser emitters
Defense: Standard shield, Camo defense system (Plan Ops)
Embarked craft: None

The planetary operations drop craft (brigade planetary command post) is the current mobile command post vehicle for planetary operations. The multi-functional design enables it to perform command and control for planet-wide combat operations. The modular design makes it possible to configure the craft for command operation, operational support, emergency/medical support, and tactical control support (this version controls the heavy weapons system). The passenger complement ranges from 16 to 24 officers and technical specialists, depending on configuration.

Viper Class APC

Devised by Patrick Carroll AKA Bond, James Bond

1 pulse phaser (In turret)
1 rapid fire photon grenade launcher (In turret)
2 light shuttle type phaser strips aft
1 medium scout type phaser strip top
9 troop firing ports in pod armed only when manned (weapon type optional)
2 gunner firing ports in ship at doors armed only when manned (weapon type optional)
18 Mk. 12A "Lawnmower" cluster missiles (9 per pod)
Crew: 1 pilot / weapons operator, 1 copilot / navigator / sensor-jammer operator, 1 door gunner / flight engineer / jumpmaster, 1 door gunner / medic
Propulsion: 6 directed energy anti-grav generators, 2 vectored thrust impulse engines
Armor: Proactive / reactive armor panels over all critical systems, Nano-fiber reinforced transparent aluminum windows, Duranium troop pod, engine area, passenger area, and cockpit armor, Tritanium hull with ablative hull coat

The Viper Class APC was developed by the Starfleet Marines R & D Center at Epimetheus Station, Titan during the Dominion War to fill a role between unarmed shuttles performing double duty as troop landers and the armed but small Hoppersthat carried only a limited number of troops. It was hoped that a dedicated vehicle could fulfill the role with better efficiency and safety.

The Viper carries optional detachable pods at its rear that can be outfitted for different mission types; med-evac, troop transport, AWACS / C4I, jamming, gunship, VIP transport, HQ command center, etc.

Various Ground Troop Equipment

This is a collection of ideas how Starfleet ground troops could be equipped, considering that normal shuttles are hardly suited to sustain a longer combat or peace-keeping mission.