FFX Class
Design by Steve Justice
Type: Frigate
First commissioned: 2180
Length: 164.3m
Width: 100.0m
Height: 33.4m
Decks: 5
Complement: 20 officers + 64 crew
Speed: Warp 5.5 (cruise), Warp 6.5 (max.), Warp 7.0 (max. emergency)
Armament: 8 MkIII dual mount pulsed phase cannons, 4 torpedo tubes (2 fwd & 2 aft) with 72 MkIII photonic torpedoes
Defense: Hoplon M4 shield generators & polarized hull plating
In the early decades of the United Federation of Planets, the member systems provided ships and crews to serve under the combined Star Fleet Command. Although the allied systems had shared much in technology and tactics, it would take decades for a truly unified fleet to emerge featuring common ship designs. In the interim period each member system continued to produce their own ship designs to meet Starfleet requirements, albeit with increasing levels of technology transfer.
While each Federation member contributed to the major cruiser classes, the Federation assigned the various other fleet duties among the members with Earth assigned the task of providing ships for protection and policing of space lanes between Federation star systems. This resulted in the Patrol/Auxiliary (PA) class Series 1 and 2 built to fill three critical mission areas; namely space lane protection, search and rescue, and science/survey. Later the same design team used the core PA components and technologies to develop the PA Series 3 Fast Corvette Class. When Starfleet issued a request for a new class of mid-size general purpose starships, Earth stepped forward to provide this new class
Riverside Yards, which led the earlier NZ and PA class developments, submitted a design that incorporated operational experience from those classes combined with the latest levels of Earth technology and technology transfer from Federation member worlds. The new class would be smaller than the contemporary Columbia cruiser class to reduce construction and operating costs, but would be able to fill a number of mission roles including exploration, commerce patrol and enforcement, diplomatic missions, and escort.
Since these missions mirrored the roles served by the sailing frigates of Earth during the 18th and 19th centuries, the new design was rated a 'frigate' hence the development designation of FFX.
Building on the NZ and PA design experience, the FFX design studies started in 2175 focusing on creating a well-balanced design that would be a "jack of all trades" for Starfleet. Much emphasis was also placed on minimizing cost and the crew requirements with the resulting design providing a very flexible ship with strong tactical capability along with good science/survey, exploratory, and space lane patrol capabilities.
Starfleet issued construction contracts in 2177 for 6 FFX ships with production beginning soon after the completion of the PA Series 3 construction program in 2178. Starfleet ordered an additional 8 FFX ships in 2182 after the very successful fleet trials of the first two FFX ships. The major ship components were built at the existing construction facility at the Riverside Yards, matter/anti-matter reactor assembly and warp nacelles supplied by Cochrane Warp Dynamics of Alpha Centauri, with final assembly, checkout, and launch from the Starfleet San Francisco Yards.
As the second order of frigates were under construction, Riverside Yards offered an upgraded design using the latest in warp engine technology and other updates that would improve the overall efficiency of the design. Based on the success of the class and the promised improvements, Starfleet ordered an additional 8 ships. The original 14 ships were retroactively designated as Series 1 with the newer 8 ships as Series 2.
During Starfleet's transitional early period of integrating the various Federation member fleets and registrations, Earth-built ships received both a Earth designation and a Federation naval construction code (NCC). These ships were classified as frigates (FF) with the names for each ship taken from sailing frigates of Earth's major navies of the 18th and 19th centuries.
The first ship, Constellation, was launched in 2180 and entered the fleet in 2181 after an exhaustive test program. The additional 13 Series 1 ships followed in approximately nine-month cycles over a production span of 10 years. The first Series 2 ship, Adventure, was launched in 2191 with the last Series 2 ship launched in 2196.
Five Series 1 ships were converted to a Medical Frigate variant, designated FFM, between 2195 and 2197.
Design philosophy
The FFX design focused on a balance of capabilities usually only seen in the large and expensive exploratory cruisers, but in a more compact and less expensive package. The external layout of a main saucer with under-slung warp nacelles set the mold for future frigate classes well into the next century.
All internal systems were extremely reliable benefiting from experience in the earlier NZ/PA classes combined with latest warp 7 propulsion systems and other technologies from Federation member worlds. While not best-in-class in any one area, the FFX did have excellent integration of systems. The FFX class also had expanded endurance and updated crew accommodations to account for ever expanding Federation space.
The design also continued the Riverside Yards philosophy of less complex external hull geometry and simplified internal structural layouts to reduce the overall parts count. Each saucer outer hull section was used in a minimum of four locations while some sections were used in up to 22 locations to greatly reduce the manufacturing complexity and cost.
The internal deck arrangements were simplified to ease the routing of power and control system conduits and inter-deck passages. In addition the ships featured multiple back-up fusion reactors (six) for maximum redundancy and reliability.
The saucer was divided into six decks, with the Bridge (Deck 0) located in the traditional location at the top dorsal position on the saucer. One turbolift linked the Bridge with the other decks, a personnel turbolift and separate cargo turbolift served decks 1-4, while other lifts and ladder ways were located throughout the saucer section to allow easy movement between decks even in the absence of main power. The saucer had 30 escape pods which could accommodate up 120 crew.
Maximum sustained speed for FFX class ships was warp 6.5 with a brief period of warp 7.0 in emergency conditions. Standard cruising speed was warp 5.5.
The FFX Srs2 ships were 164 meters in length with a beam of 100.0 meters with a maximum draft of 33.4 meters along with a maximum mass of 67,000 metric. The normal ships complement was 84 standard (20 officers, 64 enlisted) with a maximum crew complement of 100 temporary mission specialists.
Operational history
As anticipated by the designers, the FFX Class Frigates were assigned to a wide range of missions across their service lives. The mix of capabilities of the FFX class led them to be assigned in a number of sectors in lieu of cruisers to maintain a Starfleet presence as the Federation continued to expand. The FFX class also became task force leaders for convoys and colonization missions to the edges of Federation space.
Another key role that emerged was supporting "cycle traffic" of diplomats and diplomatic cargo between member systems and to the Federation Headquarters on Earth. As newer starship classes came into service, many of the FFX ships were home ported at the key Federation member worlds to provide a consistent Starfleet presence. By the early 23rd century FFX ships were a familiar sight within the Federation interior and seen only sparingly at the frontier.
To better serve these cycle traffic missions, the guest quarters were upgraded along with shuttle bay systems to support the particular shuttle types used by the home port government. During this period postings to the FXX ships were not highly regarded by many Starfleet crew, but the officers did receive excellent experience in diplomacy while serving on an FFX which served them well on later postings to exploratory ships making first contacts.
Only one ship was lost in service, the Constellation (NCC-320), disappearing in 2193 during a deep space patrol mission for reasons unknown. The Guerriere (NCC-347) was heavily damaged in action with Orion pirates in 2211, leading to early decommissioning in 2212.
The FFX class proved to be extremely reliable ships with an over 35-year service life with Series 2 ships serving more than 40 years. The FXX set the template for frigate design and layout that lasted well into the 23rd century. The last Series 2 ship retired, Independence (NCC-377), was home ported in the Alpha Centauri system and was preserved for display at the Alpha Centauri unit of the Starfleet Museum.
With expansion of the Federation a need emerged for a fast ship to provide rapid reaction medical assistance to distant locations; to address this need five of the FFX Srs1 ships where converted to Medical Frigates (FFM) from 2195 to 2197. The FFM conversions were very useful ships and stayed in service well past their other Srs1 contemporaries until final decommissioning of the entire FFX fleet in 2236.
Rockwell Class
Design by Terranimperial
Type: cruiser
First commissioned: 2185
Length: 310m
Width: 150m
Height: 53.4m
Decks: 10
Displacement: 316000t
Complement: 100 officers + 320 crew
Speed: Warp 6.5 (cruise), Warp 8.1 (max.)
Sublight speed: 0.25c (max.)
Armament: 8 double emitter phaser banks, 4 photon torpedo launchers
Defense: Polarized hull plating, directed shielding
Two years after the Xindi Incident, it was decided by UESPA, and its subsidiary Starfleet that a new type of cruiser was needed to replace the NX class to defend United Earth against external threats sufficiently. Development began on the Rockwell class, named after the founder of spaceflight organization Rockwell International, which built orbiters for the defunct United States of North America.
The Rockwell project is indefinitely put on hold by the United Earth Parliament in response to the outbreak of the Romulan War.
Admiral Arinsal re-initiates the Rockwell class project with the support of President Avaran Rothress and the Federation Council.
The engineers behind the development of the Nathoeb class is successful in creating an engine capable of achieving a velocity of 520c. The engine was determined to be too costly for implementation on the Nathoeb class, due to the smaller size of that class.
The Rockwell class began to move along in the development process with the involvement of the Andorian Imperial Space Program and their Warp 8 Project.
The first testbed reaches record speeds at 614c. However, the test crew is gruesomely killed from radiation shield failure, almost resulting in Starfleet ending the program.
The USS Rockwell begins construction at Procyon A Fleet Yards orbiting the gas giant Andor.
The USS Rockwell (NX-200) is launched.
The USS Collins, the Coronado, the Lexington, and the Hughes are launched introducing the upgraded Mark-II Rockwell class. Their different interiors separated them from the otherwise identical Mark-I.
The warp drive of the Rockwell class was the product of Warp 8 project. The new warp drive included multiple m-am reaction chambers located within the aft portion of the secondary hull.
The class featured six launch bays on the ventral aft section of the secondary hull, for the storage of shuttles and other small craft. Cargo entered the ship through large doors on the dorsal secondary hull. The cargo bay also stored several workbees.
The class featured directed shielding. A precursor to modern shield technologies, these primitive shields involved the deployment of force fields to defend against what polarized plating could not, lasting a maximum of five minutes before an automatic cool-down period. As its name suggests, directed shielding did not provide full coverage but only in the area where it was needed most. Vessels with the Mark-II designation included improved alloys in hull construction, that operated in the same way polarized plating did, but without the need for direct commands in order to operate. This improved hull plating owed its existence to advances in smart materials. The Rockwell class also featured landing gear.
In the next 50 years, the Rockwell class would lead a wave of advancement across Starfleet.
Ships commissioned:
- NX-200, USS Rockwell
- NCC-201, USS Collins
- NCC-202, USS Cedar Rapids
- NCC-203, USS Pittsburgh
- NCC-204, USS Newport
- NCC-205, USS Camarillo
- NCC-206, USS Hughes
- NCC-207, USS Foster
- NCC-208, USS Miller
- NCC-209, USS Lexington
- NCC-210, USS Coronado
- NCC-211, USS Honeywell
- NCC-212, USS Grumman
- NCC-213, USS Shandong
- NCC-214, USS Binzhou
- NCC-215, USS Shensi
- NCC-216, USS Hoffman
- NCC-217, USS Karnataka
- NCC-218, USS Berkshire
- NCC-219, USS Hathaway
- NCC-220, USS De Havilland
- NCC-221, USS Hordern
- NCC-222, USS Richmond
- NCC-223, USS Baker
- NCC-224, USS Carden
- NCC-225, USS Embraer
- NCC-226, USS Héroux
- NCC-227, USS Bombrini
- NCC-228, USS Delfino
- NCC-229, USS Parodi
- NCC-230, USS Gazprom
- NCC-231, USS Branger
- NCC-232, USS Figueroa
- NCC-233, USS Bradley
- NCC-234, USS Newbery
- NCC-235, USS Billinghurst
- NCC-236, USS Candelaria
- NCC-237, USS Davis
- NCC-238, USS Wakata
- NCC-239, USS Kibe
- NCC-240, USS Changhe
- NCC-241, USS Jiangxi
- NCC-242, USS Laikan
- NCC-243, USS Thuelrin
- NCC-244, USS Athella
- NCC-245, USS Valkar
Based off of Aristomenis Tsirbas NCC-1000
Sviagod Class
Design by Newdivide1701
Type: Deep space agricultural outpost
First commissioned: 2260
Length: 209m
Width: 238m
Height: 235m
Decks: 18
Displacement: 261000t
Complement: 100 officers + 500 crew, evacuation limit: 2000
Sublight speed: 0.01c (max.)
Armament: 18 - 190 MW phase modulated heavy particle cannons; 3 photon torpedo launchers
Defense: Cast rodinium deflector shields
Embarked craft: 6 cargo shuttles, 2 personnel shuttles, 8 worker bees
1.0 - Introduction:
The Sviagod class outpost is a modular deep space outpost that serves as a repair and resupply station for long range exploration ships and cruisers, as well as a deuterium, helium-3 and antimatter fueling station.
2.0 - Klingon war:
Due to the Klingon that ended in late 2257, Starfleet and the Federation were forced to rebuild which halted many programs that included long range stations and star bases like the Watchtower class and Starbase Yorktown.
For this, simplified outposts were deemed the best solution to the current problem, which introduced the Sviagod class outpost.
3.0 - Construction:
The station is divided into 8 section.
-1 habitat saucer,
-1 engineering module,
-2 hydroponics modules,
-1 central core,
-1 fuel containers,
-1 water tank,
-1 CO2/O17 tank.
The modules are constructed at a shipyard near the edge of Federation space and are transported to the frontier via transport/tug ships.
3.1 - Transport:
Three Hudson Cavalier "H.C." class transport ships -- a variation of the NX class with cargo docks and clamps on the lower fairings -- carries the 3 fuel modules and the 3 engineering modules. Another H.C. class has an adapter module that allows the ship to transport the saucer section. A Fisher class transport ship transports the core and the lower lighthouse with another Fisher class transporting the crew via starliner.
4.0 - Habitat saucer:
The habitat saucer is divided into 3 sections; upper dome, lower dome and central saucer.
The upper dome primarily contains water and sewage recycling for the saucer section along with chemosynthetic and electrosynthetic bioprocessing food production which uses kelp, Jovian seaweed and protein resequencers. On top of the upper dome houses the station's operations centre, offices, and privacy lounges for the crew.
The lower dome carries the saucer's cargo holds and extra water storage tanks. At the very bottom of the saucer are the genetic diversity labs and access to the lower lighthouse.
Three dual phaser banks are each located on the upper and lower dome powered by the saucer's escape impulse engine (see 5.1).
The central disk houses the crew quarters on both the upper and lower decks. The disk also has the primary mess halls and galley, sickbay, station services, security and recreational services.
4.1 - Recreation:
The disk also contains holographic interactive VR rooms along with what are referred to as "hamster balls" that are spherical interactive VR simulators that allows for simulations requiring more floor space than what is available on the station, and allowing for limited changes in topography within the simulation. Using the hamster balls requires VR glasses rather than holograms.
These simulator rooms on ships are often restricted to large or heavy cruisers such as the Constitution class and Crossfield class due to size restriction.*
With these size restrictions, many exercise facilities on the Sviagod class restricts the size of the pool where it barely has enough for a short course swimming pool. As an alternative, the Sviagod class uses 4 variable course swimming pools. Each pool is 2 metres by 4 metres with a 1.5 meter depth that uses water jets to push the swimmer back into pool at the same rate he, she or ze swims. This allows for virtually any length the swimmer to swim from as little as 50 metres to up to a virtually unlimited distance.
The water flow rate is monitored my computer and overhead sensors to keep the swimmer in the middle. The bottom of the pool is transparent with a 1 cm gap from the bottom that allows for a large polymer screen to display distance for the swimmer to see as well as 3 dimensional images of fish and other aquatic life.**
The recreation area also carries 4 - 3m x 3m jacuzzis.
5.0 - Engineering module:
The station's shuttle bay runs half way down the entire length of the module where double doors separates the shuttle bay from the hanger bay and cargo decks.
The lower sections carries the primary helium-3 fusion reactor with metallic fuel, transporter, photon torpedo launchers, fabrication centres and manufacturing.
All engineering modules carries 4 dual phaser banks and a single photon torpedo launcher. The upper phaser particle accelerators are parallel to the hull and uses another boride crystal to redirect the beam into the firing chamber (see 5.1)
A large outer hatch under the fantail carries a limited supply of antimatter where a refuelling shuttle is used to restore a ship's antimatter supply.
5.1 Phasers:
Each dual phaser bank uses a fixed phase modulated heavy particle accelerator the size of a large shuttlecraft under the hull. The phase modulated particle beam enters the firing chamber into a weapons grade boride crystal in the centre of the chamber that's on the same frequency as the particle beam. The crystal redirects the beam out of the phaser particle emitter barrel.
The firing chamber has 2 points of rotation to allow for maximum possible coverage with little mass to move. One axis is perpendicular to the hull with a second axis offset by 60° with the barrel offset 60° to the second axis. To lower or elevate the barrel without changing direction along the XY axis, the lower firing chamber rotates in one direction while the upper chamber rotates in the other direction. This allows the elevation to change as much as 60° with a 360° coverage.
The boride crystal is attached to an articulation frame attached to the upper chamber and the power to adjust the frequency of the crystal is through EPS induction on both the upper and lower firing chambers.
The phaser can fire in both steady stream and pulses, while plasma recoil is absorbed in capacitor banks which are then used to augment the phaser power giving the station approximately 80% the phaser firepower of a Constitution class starship.
The phasers were upgraded from weapons grade Boride to NiCl 521 crystals that did away with the heavy particle accelerators, and improvements to the rapid nadion effect in 2277.
6.0 Hydroponic modules:
The hydroponic modules are designed to grow food and provide genetic diversity for visiting ships and long range explorers using photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, and electrosynthesis. These range from fresh fruits and vegetables in stasis, dehydrated produce, ration packs and prepackaged meals -- archaically known as TV dinners, or a genetic basis for ships with protein resequencers and food synthesizers.
On the upper half of the modules, 40% of the length is dedicated to orchards, primarily apples and oranges. The orchards are laid out to serve double duty as an arboretum with a large segmented dome to view space.
On the other side of the orchards is a 3 deck recreation lounge that extends 8 metres into the deck. Though normally open, a pair of air tight doors are used in the event of a hull breach and containment field failure.
The rest of those decks are dedicated to standard hydroponic gardens which uses music and wind to strengthen the crops, and they use porous sponge like nutrient enriched aerogel in the event of gravity failure.
Beneath the orchards are the photon torpedo launchers, shield generators, phaser banks, the module's life support systems, water recycling facilities, protein resequencers and inert carbon storage and recycling, and antimatter pods.
One deck below the hydroponic gardens are the controversial severed limb gardens (see 6.2). Below the severed limb gardens are sections dedicated to pharmaceutical hydroponics, tissue engineered meat labs and food processing and packaging.
6.1 Corridor crops:
Based on Xyrillian crop production methods, long and narrow hydroponic tank compartments are located behind access panels in the primary corridors to maximize useable space on the station -- commonly known as "corridor crops".
Each panel has a pair of vents with low power fans and phased ionization gas filters. The first fan draws in the ship's atmosphere with the filter allowing carbon dioxide and nitrogen into the tank, but keeps the oxygen out. The second fan blows out the oxygen and nitrogen from within the tank with the filter keeping the CO2 in. The fans also provide a wind to keep the crops strong.
Polymer lights provide the energy for the crops with a phosphorescent coating to continually provide light for the crops for several hours in the event of a power failure. Nutrient enriched water is provided by the water and waste recycling facilities which are absorbed in sponge-like trisilocate aerogel soil that holds the plants in place and absorbs the enriched water in the event of artificial gravity failure.
Each unit has a pair of medical scanners programmed to monitor the crops and to detect any problems including mold or decay. When any problems are detected, the vents automatically close until the distressed food is removed and vaporized.
The corridor crops are often limited to fruits and vegetables that can be grown in such a confined space such as carrots, potatoes, lettuce, pineapples with their tops cut off and reused, plomeek (Vulcan), kleetanta (Vulcan), C'torr root (Vulcan), Skopar carnivore seeds (Andoria), T'pocowan (Andoria), and Necreena (Andoria).
6.2 - Severed limb gardens:
The severed limb gardens involve removing the budding or flowering part of a plant-- typically from fruit or berry trees -- and inject synthetic glucose into it along with proteins and nutrients either stored in element bins, recycled from the wastewater and sanitation or organic material recycling. Electrostimulation encourages plant growth.
The synthetic glucose come from a generator that uses hydrogen extracted from the oxygen generators on the wastewater systems and the carbon dioxide waste gases from life support. As well as from the waste water and inert carbon offloaded from smaller ships (see 6.3).
Critics have asked why neither corridor crops nor severed limb gardens are used on starships? The corridor crop tanks and synthetic glucose generators were deemed too fragile to be used on starships.
Severed crops are often limited to fruits and vegetables that requires too much space, less essential, and cannot be regrown with the preexisting stem or crown. And despite the gardens using 30% the resources, the produce grows at the same rate as traditional gardening methods.
6.3 - Inert carbon:
Ships too small to cultivate photosynthetic, chemosynthetic or electrosynthetic bioprocessors, or carry protein resequencers uses oxygen generators that breaks down carbon dioxide into oxygen gas and inert carbon powder. The powder is then placed in the same tank as the sanitary wastes once the water has been extracted.
The organic wastes and carbon powder are offloaded onto the station which are then recycled in the hydroponic modules and used for the severed limb gardens and chemosynthetic bioprocessors.
7.0 - Storage pods:
The station's 3 storage pods are smaller than the standard transport containers measuring only 100 metres long and 20 metres in diameter. The first pod is the fuel pod primarily for starships, the second pod is the water tank with the third pod being a CO2/O17 storage pod.
7.1 - Fuel pod:
The fuel pod contains cryogenically slush deuterium in 4 out of 5 of its compartments with the final compartment being filled with cryogenically slush helium-3.
7.1.1 - Antimatter substitute:
With dilithium crystals, the fusion ignition temperature of helium-3 and deuterium is drastically reduced from 400 million Kelvin to less than a quarter million where the fusion rate can be high enough to power warp drive, but the drive burns substantially larger amounts of fuel -- approximately 2000 times the mass of matter and antimatter.
The engineering module uses special facilities to mix at a 1:1 ratio and super compress and cool helium-3 and deuterium into near metallic states so the fuel doesn't require large amounts of space.
Critics have often said there isn't enough deuterium, helium-3 or antimatter on the station to support exploration cruisers. The fuel supplies were meant for ships whose fuel levels are critical and cannot reach any dedicated refueling stations in time.
7.2 - Water tank:
The second tank contains water needed for the hydroponic gardens. The first 4 compartments holds water at -100°C to ensure maximum possible density of the ice for storage. A simple laser is used to melt the ice and a vacuum environment boils it so it can be transferred with ease.
The fifth compartment carries the wastewater storage from other ships as well as the inert carbon (see 6.3)
7.3 - CO2/O17 tank:
The third storage container is compartmentalized to store compressed carbon dioxide and O17 liquid oxygen.
During crop production in hydroponics (see 6.0) and corridor crops (see 6.1), a constant supply of carbon dioxide is needed for plant growth. Even with a crew of 500, they cannot produce enough carbon dioxide at a sufficient rate to keep the plants healthy so a contingency supply of CO2 is needed.
The excess oxygen is converted into a stable liquid oxygen molecule called O-17 which prevents the oxygen from being an oxidizer. When exposed to focused delta rays, the O17 becomes O2 once again. The O-17 is transferred to spent CO2 tanks for starships.
8.0 The core and lighthouses:
The central core connects all the modules together. At the top of the core is the station's upper lighthouse. It emits subspace signals for ships to track back to it in the event of navigation error. The lower lighthouse is attached to the bottom of the saucer section. During transport, the lower lighthouse is attached to the core with female couplings and is then separated and transferred via worker bees to the lower saucer.
Unlike other lighthouses, the ones on the Sviagod class do not carry the rotating mirror or prism for the traditional lighthouse look. This is the result of the Klingon war between 2256 and 2257 where even with the armistice, there are some factions that have broken away from the Klingon Empire with rumours saying that some crews underwent cryogenic suspension during the war with the belief that they were there to reawaken to continue the war when the Klingons were losing due to attacks on their shipping lines and supply bases by a mysterious ship called Discovery. ***
The prime directive prohibits the use of radio signals that can be picked up by prewarp civilizations.
8.1 - Assembly:
The assembly starts with the lower lighthouse being detached from the core. The saucer is then attached to the core followed by the attachment of the lower lighthouse. The engineering modules are then attached to the core followed by the containers.
The tolerances of the cylinders are only 2.5mm on a 1 metre diameter cylinder which requires delicate and precise adjustments from the worker bees' thrusters and tractor beams.
8.2 - Hydraulics:
The station's modules are held together using male/female connections where the male connector slides 5 metres into the female ones. A series of ram cylinders are then extended from the female connector and into sockets in the male connector. Those sockets and ram housing are reinforced with tritanium and osmium alloys.
The hydraulics used to extend the rams uses an electrodynamic tripolymer based hydraulic fluid that is normally solid below 232°C until an oscillating electromagnetic field on a frequency of 83.7 MHz is introduced to it where it then becomes a liquid without heating it and without expansion. The fluid also becomes polarized to where it can be driven by a non-mechanical magnetic pump and can operate effectively between -73°C and 141°C.
The polymer hydraulics replaces the old gallium based hydraulics that requires the metal to remain well above 29.76°C to become a fluid and well below to remain a solid. As well the gallium hydraulics requires constant temperature control and a mechanical pump to run it which are often prone to mechanical and electrical failure.
The tripolymer hydraulic fluid is barred on many planetary surfaces as they are highly toxic on fluid form and environmentally harmful which requires strict regulations to use.
9.0 - emergencies:
In the event of a catastrophic emergency, each engineering module can separate and be launched away with impulse thrusters and used as a lifeboat.
Auxiliary power is provided by neutronic power cells (element 115). When bombarded by protons, element 115 is transmutated into element 116 in which 2 neutrons undergo a beta decay by releasing positrons converting the neutrons into antiprotons. Those antiprotons then react with the protons within the isotope in a low level annihilation reaction.
Reserve power comes from hafnium-178 atomic batteries.
Backup life support uses CO2 scrubbers and a supply of oxygen-17 and a delta ray emitter.
9.1 Tarsus 4 incident:
After the famine on Tarsus 4 in 2246 and the rise of Governor Kodos -- later known as Kodos the Executioner, Starfleet issued a draft of Regulation 19, Section E which state in the event of a severe famine of a Federation colony, all food and ration shipments within range are to be rerouted to the colony immediately.
As well any ship in range of a resupply station or agricultural station -- such as the Sviagod class -- is to take on their maximum capacity of the station's ration packs and any food in stasis without hampering the station's resources and divert to the famine stricken colony to in exclusion above all else except higher priority missions outlined in Section 10, 17 and 31, code factor 1 and others.
10.0 - Afterward:
With the development of food synthesizers for the Enterprise class (Constitution refit) starships, genetic samples for protein resequencers and food synthesizers became less vital as the DNA was stored in the ship’s memory banks with what is referred to as a matter stream "snapshot" to duplicate the meals. And so the station’s hydroponic modules were removed in favour of a dedicated supply module filled with basic elements, and a dedicated repair module with all 3 modules having their own shuttle bays. And all 3 containers were dedicated to deuterium and helium-3 fuel.
As well with the development of the Excelsior class, it was determined the Sviagod would no longer be able to handle the demand of supplying exploration cruisers. The last of the Sviagod class was phased out in 2320 and replaced with the Ingvi-Frey class that is said to be a larger version of the Sviagod class.
The station was named after the Vanir god Freyr -- also known as Sviagod -- known for agriculture, prosperity, life and fertility.
* as depicted on the animated episode, "The Practical Joker," and the Discovery episode, "Lethe".
** a larger version of the medical display used by Dr. McCoy on Star Trek Beyond.
*** Star Trek: The Next Generation; Emissary -- though the timestamp would be off by 34 years.